heavenly lanterns
Originally uploaded by micah.kubo
this was the first launch. a couple hundred or so were sent up even 20 minutes. not even a monopod.
this was the first launch. a couple hundred or so were sent up even 20 minutes. not even a monopod.
we wrote our hopes for the new year on a lantern of our own.
this is the church we'll be attending during our stay.
it meets at an American international school (high school?)
as Tammie previously described, we toured this amazing museum.
but it was a little too much culture for one day. so we went to Chili's for dinner.
it's been a good hospital to me. quite enjoyed the experience of the ED (emergency department) anyway. i'll miss it next week. this is it's busiest time of the year as many out-patient clinics are closed and it's unlucky to be in the hospital during this holiday season (the lunar new year).
Sarah Richardson is apparently a vegetarian. Or so we found out while in
Much to Sarah’s distress the family kindly obliged and started piling her bowl full of noodles and soup and seaweed. They pulled vegetables out of pots filled with meats and Sarah swallowed them whole with a chaser of orange juice. She’s such a trooper. Sarah actually gave me a new motto while we are in Taiwan. "Woe key-i shi shi" is what I say now, it means "I'll try it" . I have been given the task of trying out new foods before Sarah and Tiffany will try something. Lucky for Sarah, Barbara didn’t rat her out to the family and laughed along with the rest of us upon their return to the dormitory.
Barbara has taken a running tour of
It has been really delightful having Dr. C’s wife, Debbie, and Leta Brown with us on this trip. They have joined forces with Kathy Lute, RN, to become “The Three Amazing Women”. They have traveled all over the place and bring us back treats from every place they go. They are bundles of energy and always have smiles on their faces which are contagious.
Kathy has been great to have in clinical because she sheds insight towards the medical surgical nursing differences in
Lastly, the other day we got a little restless waiting for the shuttle to take us to the MRT. And if anyone was interested.....you can fit 5 nursing students in a Taiwanese phone booth.