Monday, February 18, 2008

First post from Tamara: Read It!

I have been asked to post to this amazing blog site. But when one is forced, one often has a hard time thinking of something fantabulous to say. And it is late. But I will do my best to come up with something interesting. Today was our first day at ORTV, Overseas Radio and Television. They have music ministry, television, radio, and magazines. Three different levels of learning English: conversational, classroom, and professional. They also have drama-type programs and Bible studies. It's all very neat. Half of our group was there, and half had normal clinicals. We will switch places later this week. Sarah and I got to go with a team to a local high school to have an English lesson/practice time. We played word type games, and got to hand out prizes. We also learned a new song that we can share with you if you ask nicely. It was all very fun. Jen, Micah, and Barbara stayed at ORTV and worked in the recording studio. Jen filled in at the last minute to record her voice, and I hear she was absolutely amazing. She read through a test in English, which is actually quite tricky because you have to have a very consistent rhythm to your voice. No long pauses or anything. I think that is all that I have to say for now. Maybe you will hear more from me, maybe not. We shall see.

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