Thursday, February 7, 2008

Side note: Vegetarian? Really?

Sarah Richardson is apparently a vegetarian. Or so we found out while in Taiwan. Upon our arrival in Taiwan Sarah gladly enjoyed all of the same foods as the rest of us. She enjoyed pork and chicken and beef until New Year’s Eve came along. Last night at Dr. Li’s house Sarah professed vegetarianism. As the kind doctor laid out a variety of dishes and meats Sarah kindly declined and told the family she was a vegetarian.......for the last 5 years......not only for religious purposes but also for health reasons...........surprise, surprise. Apparently when faced with pig’s feet and chicken heads, she just couldn’t do it.

Much to Sarah’s distress the family kindly obliged and started piling her bowl full of noodles and soup and seaweed. They pulled vegetables out of pots filled with meats and Sarah swallowed them whole with a chaser of orange juice. She’s such a trooper. Sarah actually gave me a new motto while we are in Taiwan. "Woe key-i shi shi" is what I say now, it means "I'll try it" . I have been given the task of trying out new foods before Sarah and Tiffany will try something. Lucky for Sarah, Barbara didn’t rat her out to the family and laughed along with the rest of us upon their return to the dormitory.

Barbara has taken a running tour of Taipei. She goes running down the river path next to our dormitory everyday and has explored a lot of the neighborhood. She has found running partners in Jen Hanson, Sarah and even Dr. Christensen.

It has been really delightful having Dr. C’s wife, Debbie, and Leta Brown with us on this trip. They have joined forces with Kathy Lute, RN, to become “The Three Amazing Women”. They have traveled all over the place and bring us back treats from every place they go. They are bundles of energy and always have smiles on their faces which are contagious.

Kathy has been great to have in clinical because she sheds insight towards the medical surgical nursing differences in America. She also plays a great mom figure. While in Taiwan Kathy got the sad news that her father-in-law passed away, so your prayers are welcomed.

Lastly, the other day we got a little restless waiting for the shuttle to take us to the MRT. And if anyone was can fit 5 nursing students in a Taiwanese phone booth.

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