Sunday, February 10, 2008

(Like) Royal (ty @the) Palace Museum

Today was another fun-filled day in Taipei. To start, we had another amazing tour with our generous hosts. This time we visited the Royal Palace Museum. This is where over 600,000 ancient artifacts were brought from mainland China at the beginning of the Communist-Nationalist Civil War. What can I say? It was breath-taking and served to deepen my respect for this brilliant, artistic culture! After the tour, I think most of us stopped at the gift shop to buy souvenirs. I, personally, left with a lighter wallet but managed to get some really awesome stuff for Lance and my boys.
Next, our hosts took us out to lunch again on them. If that wasn't generous enough, they felt so bad about the wait for food, that they went to Burger King to tide is over for the extra 20 minutes or so before our orders arrived. When we were all finished with that, they even offered to buy us pizza..we did manage to convince them we were full, though. I know I have probably mentioned this before, but I am so very humbled by how selfless and giving our hosts are. I have never experienced being treated as royalty until now.
Neither have I laughed as hard as I have with my classmates this last week. It seems like every time we get together we manage to find ourselves in some situation that is "pee-your-pants" hilarious; whether its Sarah's on again/off again relationship with meat, Micah's deadpan comments, Tiffany's endless battles with 'fro-dom or cut-throat card games, every day brings peals of laughter and a stronger bond between us...
Now it's off to bed (should have been there hours ago) so I can wake up for church tomorrow. We're going to T.I.C again and I am hoping to hear another great sermon from the pastor there.

Submitted by Tammie
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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